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LC5768VG-10F484I Lattice LC5768VG LC5768VG-10F484I Datasheet PDF

LC5768VG-10F484I ApplicationField

-Internet of Things
-Consumer Electronics
-Cloud Computing
-Industrial Control
-5G Technology
-Wireless Technology
-Artificial Intelligence
-Medical Equipment

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LC5768VG-10F484I FAQ

Q: How to obtain LC5768VG-10F484I technical support documents?
A: Enter the “LC5768VG-10F484I” keyword in the search box of the website, or find these through the Download Channel or FPGA Forum .

Q: Where can I purchase Lattice LC5768VG Development Boards, Evaluation Boards, or ispMACH 5000VG Starter Kit? also provide technical information?
A: EBICS does not provide development board purchase services for the time being, but customers often consult about ZedBoard, Basys 3 board, TinyFPGA BX, Nexys4-DDR, Terasic DE10-Nano, Digilent Arty S7, etc. If you need relevant technical information, you can submit feedback information, our technicians will contact you soon.

Q: Do I have to sign up on the website to make an inquiry for LC5768VG-10F484I?
A: No, only submit the quantity, email address and other contact information required for the inquiry of LC5768VG-10F484I, but you need to sign up for the post comments and resource downloads.

Q: How can I obtain software development tools related to the Lattice FPGA platform?
A: Lattice’s development environment uses Diamone. These recommendations are all reference opinions. The specific choice depends on personal habits and functional requirements to specifically select a more suitable match. You can search and download through the FPGA resource channel.

Q: Does the price of LC5768VG-10F484I devices fluctuate frequently?
A: The EBICS search engine monitors the LC5768VG-10F484I inventory quantity and price of global electronic component suppliers in real time, and regularly records historical price data. You can view the historical price trends of electronic components to provide a basis for your purchasing decisions.

Q: What should I do if I did not receive the technical support for LC5768VG10F484I in time?
A: Depending on the time difference between your location and our location, it may take several hours for us to reply, please be patient, our FPGA technical engineer will help you with the LC5768VG-10F484I pinout information, replacement, datasheet in pdf, programming tools, starter kit, etc.

LC5768VG-10F484I Features

• CTT 3.3, CTT 2.5
• SuperWIDE 68-input logic block
clock deskew
                                                   ■ High Density
• Multiply and divide factors between 1 and 32
• GTL+
• 768 to 1,024 macrocells
• LVDS/LVPECL clock input capability
• LVCMOS 1.8, 2.5 and 3.3
■ sysCLOCK PLL – Timing Control
• PCI-X, PCI 3.3
• SSTL 2 (I & II)
■ sysIO Capability
■ High Speed Logic Implementation
• External feedback capability for board-level
• Multiple output frequencies
• AGP-1X
• 5V tolerance
• Hierarchical routing structure provides fast interconnect
• HSTL (I & III)
• 196 to 384 I/Os
• Clock shifting capability ± 3.5ns in 500ps steps
• Up to 160 product terms per output


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LC5768VG-10F484I Overview


The LC5768VG-10F484I represents the third generation
of Lattice’s SuperWIDE CPLD architecture. Through
their wide 68-input blocks, these devices give significantly improved speed performance for typical designs
over architectures with fewer inputs.
The LC5768VG-10F484I takes the unique benefits of the
SuperWIDE architecture and extends it to higher densities referred to as SuperBIG, by using the combination
of an innovative product term architecture and a twotiered hierarchical routing architecture. Additionally,
sysCLOCK and sysIO capabilities have been added to
maximize system-level performance and integration.
The LC5768VG-10F484I devices consist of multiple SuperWIDE 68-input, 32-macrocell Generic Logic Blocks
(GLBs) interconnected by a tiered routing system. Figure 1 shows the functional block diagram of the ispMACH
5000VG. Groups of four GLBs, referred to as segments, are interconnected via a Segment Routing Pool (SRP).
Segments are interconnected via the Global Routing Pool (GRP.) Together the GLBs and the routing pools allow
designers to create large designs in a single device without compromising performance.
Each GLB has 68 inputs coming from the SRP and contains 163 product terms. These product terms form groups
of five product term clusters, which feed the PT sharing array or the macrocell directly. The ispMACH 5000VG
allows up to 160 product terms to be connected to a single macrocell via the product term expanders and PT Sharing Array.
The macrocell is designed to provide flexible clocking and control functionality with the capability to select between
global, product term and block-level resources. The outputs of the macrocells are fed back into the switch matrices
and, if required, the sysIO cell.
All I/Os in the LC5768VG-10F484I are sysIOs, which are split into four banks. Each bank has a separate I/O
power supply and reference voltage. The sysIO cells allow operation with a wide range of today’s emerging interface standards. Within a bank, inputs can be set to a variety of standards, providing the reference voltage requirements of the chosen standards are compatible. Within a bank, the outputs can be set to differing standards,
providing the I/O power supply voltage and the reference voltage requirements of the chosen standard are compatible. Support for this wide range of standards allows designers to achieve significantly higher board-level performance compared to the more traditional LVCMOS standards.
The LC5768VG-10F484I devices also contain sysCLOCK Phase Locked Loops (PLLs) that provide designers with
increased clocking flexibility. The PLLs can be used to synthesize new clocks for use on-chip or elsewhere within
the system. They can also be used to deskew clocks, again both at the chip and system levels. A variable delay line
capability further improves this and allows designers to retard or advance the clock in order to tune set-up and
clock-to-out times for optimal results. The ispMACH 5000VG Family Selection Guide (Table 1) details the key
attributes and packages for the ispMACH 5000VG devices.
The Lattice CPLD – Complex Programmable Logic Devices series LC5768VG-10F484I is CPLD – Complex Programmable Logic Devices PROGRAM EXPANDED LOG, View Substitutes & Alternatives along with datasheets, stock, pricing from Authorized Distributors at EBICS.com,
and you can also search for other FPGAs products.

LC5768VG-10F484I Tags

Lattice ispMACH 5000VG development board
ispMACH 5000VG evaluation kit
LC5768VG reference design
LC5768VG evaluation board
LC5768VG-10F484I Datasheet PDF
ispMACH 5000VG LC5768VG
Lattice LC5768VG
LC5768VG development board

LC5768VG-10F484I TechnicalAttributes

-Maximum Operating Temperature + 105 C
-Memory Type ROMLess
-Supply Voltage – Min 3 V
-Supply Current 380 mA
-Package / Case FPBGA-484-176
-Delay Time 5 ns
-Operating Supply Voltage 3.3 V
-Minimum Operating Temperature – 40℃
-Number of Product Terms per Macro 160
-Maximum Operating Frequency 178 MHz
-Minimum Operating Temperature – 40℃
-Number of Programmable I/Os 176
-Packaging Tray
-Factory Pack Quantity 300
-Mounting Style SMD/SMT
-Number of Macrocells 768


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