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What is BSP FPGA ?

BSP is a configuration term for Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The history, according to Wikipedia, dates back to 1981, when the Hunter & Ready company, one of the leading developers of the Versatile Real-Time Executive (VRTX) used the term. At the time, the term “BSP” was used to describe the hardware-based software used to run the VRTX on another hardware platform.

Today, BSP is much more than that, as it has now found its way into the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) market. In this article, you are going to discover what a BSP FPGA is all about.

What is BSP FPGA?


The full name is Board Support Package (BSP). By acting as a support, it helps to improve the functions of the circuit board.

By default, a Board Support Package (BSP) helps to connect the circuit board by providing the layer of software needed. The layer-based software contains the following:

  • Hardware-specific boot firmware
  • Device drivers
  • FPGA hardware scaffold design

The primary function of the BSP is to enable the specific embedded system to function perfectly in the motherboard or any other designated hardware environment that has been integrated into the embedded system.

Configuring the BSP

What does it take to configure or fine-tune a Board Support Package (BSP) to fit into the designated hardware environment?

The configuration processes include:

1. API Integration

The Application Programming Interface (API) can be used to connect the software and hardware components on the circuit board.

The major APIs used are the:

  • C header files
  • C++ header files

Additionally, you may want to use a root file system and a toolchain for building configurable systems that run on the embedded system.

2. Use a BSP FPGA Template

Some BSP FPGA providers or suppliers also make provisions for the templates. These help in modelling the BSP the right way.

Other types of helpful support provided are test suites and developer assistance.

Advantages of Board Support Package (BSP)

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The benefits of working with the BSP for your FPGA range from multiple configuration options to dual architecture for the circuit board.

Here are the major advantages of working with a BSP FPGA:

Support for Third-Party Applications

Third-party of external applications can be supported with the BSP FPGA. To do that, the developers must have created the Board Support Package (BSP) that aligns with the embedded operating system available on the targeted (hardware) platform.

Ease of Configuration

The BSP FPGA is easily configurable, thanks to the several configuration options. These options range from a toolchain, test suites and developer assistance.

BSP FPGA vs. SDK Compared

The two major processes or techniques of configuring a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) are the Software Development Kit (SDK) and the Board Support Package (BSP).

Developers tend to be confused on which to choose over the other. Here is a table showing the major differences between the two:

Board Support Package (BSP)Software Development Kit (SDK)
It targets only a hardware.It targets both the software and hardware architecture of the circuit board.
It supports specific FPGA family boards.The SDK sometimes supports or includes some Board Support Packages (BSPs).
Its library is limited.The library support is higher.
The underlying hardware is usually exposed.The SDK perfectly conceals the underlying hardware.

Final Words

A Board Support Package (BSP) makes the configuration of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGAs) versatile and simpler. Whether you are using the BSP FPGA or SDK, the fact is that both help to reduce the time spent in configuring the circuit boards.



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