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VS Code 1.75 has been released. This version brings the following optimizations

VS Code 1.75 has been released. This version brings the following optimizations

VS Code 1.75 has been released and this version brings the following major optimizations.

Profiles – Create and share profiles to configure extensions, settings, shortcuts, and more.

VS Marketplace Signing – Published extensions are now code signed by default.

Accessibility improvements – Terminal screen reader mode, new keyboard shortcuts.

Easier multi-view resizing – Drag layout corners to resize multiple views at once.

Tree view search history – Run a quick search history in the tree view.

Better Terminal Link Detection – Detect links that contain spaces, parentheses, rows, and columns.

New Git commands – Staging changes and deleting remote tags in VS Code.

Dark+ and Light+ V2 Themes – Try experimental color themes

Jupyter NoteBooks theme – Using Jupyter Notes on the Web and how to manage the Jupyter kernel.

AI Tools in VS Code – Support for AI code completion via GitHub Copilot.

Configuration Files

The configuration file feature is now generally available in VS Code. Profiles can include extensions, settings, keyboard shortcuts, UI states, tasks, and user snippets. VS Code can be customized for different development scenarios (e.g. data science, documentation) or for multiple programming languages (e.g. Python or Java). Use the folder opened by setting up a custom profile.

Note: Profiles are not currently available for remote scenarios such as GitHub Codespaces.


Difference Navigation Improvements

Go to next/previous change now has an audio prompt to indicate if a line has been inserted, deleted, or modified. In addition, the changed line is selected so that it can be read by screen readers.

Terminal Accessibility Mode

The Terminal :Enter Accessibility Mode (Shift+Tab) command allows screen readers to navigate through the terminal buffer via the keyboard.

Terminal Accessibility Help

Similar to the Show Accessibility Help command in the Editor, the Terminal: Show Terminal Accessibility Help(Alt+F1) command provides important information for screen reader users.

Workspace Trust Editor Shortcut

You can toggle trust for the current workspace using the keyboard, Ctrl/Cmd+Enter or use Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+Enter to toggle trust for the parent folder.

Improved keyboard navigation on the Settings Editor indicators

For settings with multiple indicators, such as the “Modify Elsewhere” indicator and the “Defaults Changed” indicator, the left and right arrow keys are now used to navigate between the indicators. This change allows the user to jump out of the indicator with a single press of the Tab key.

Restore Defaults from Custom Layout Commands

When using custom layout commands by triggering a command or using a layout control in a custom title bar, you can restore the default values using the restore arrow button in the upper right corner of the layout control.

Managing Panel Alignment from Panels

Panel alignment can now be adjusted directly from the panel context menu, just like the panel position.

Simplified Preferences Menu

Simplifies the global settings preferences menu and organizes the options into a more logical order and grouping.

Tree Search History

The Find control in the tree view now supports history navigation, so you can use the up/down arrow keys to navigate through the history of previous searches

Confirmation required for opening large files

To prevent accidental opening of very large files, especially in remote environments where there may be real costs associated with network transfers, a confirmation message is displayed before opening a file.

Git Optimization

New Commands

Git 2.35 introduces a new – staged – mode of git stash commands. This new mode allows staging-only changes to be stored, which can be leveraged with the new Git: Stash Staged command. VS Code already supports deleting local tags using the Git: Delete Tag command, and now supports the new Git: Delete Remote Tag command.

Command Disable

Some Git operations may take a long time to complete, so the Git command line will be temporarily disabled when running Checkout, Commit, Push, Pull, and other commands.


The JavaScript React language tag has been changed to JavaScript JSX.

The JavaScript React language schema has been renamed to JavaScript JSX, as the JSX syntax is not only used by React. TypeScript React has also been renamed to TypeScript TSX. Note: Only the name of the language displayed in the UI has been changed. For compatibility reasons, the internal language IDs (javascriptreact and typescriptreact) remain the same.

New shellscript syntax

VS Code uses a new syntax from better-shell-syntax to highlight shellscript syntax. There are other improvements in this release, see the update announcement for details: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_75



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