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Optical Module for Doctors – DDM

Optical modules are not always smooth in the process of use, and when the fiber optic link has communication data errors and other problems, how do we know the location of the failure? This time it is time for DDM to come out.

DDM (Digital Diagnostic Monitoring), that is, digital diagnostic monitoring function, can be like a doctor, real-time monitoring of the optical module voltage, temperature, optical power and other operating status information, in the same time sent to the host, diagnose the optical module at this time the working state. So when a fault occurs, DDM can tell you the location of the fault at any time for efficient maintenance and to improve the stability and reliability of the optical module.

DDM measurement parameters

The five real-time measurement parameters monitored by the digital diagnostic monitoring function are.

Application of DDM function

The troubleshooting capabilities in fiber optic transceiver modules provide a means to monitor system performance, help system management predict the life of transceiver modules, isolate system failures and verify module compatibility in field installations.

Predicting the lifetime of optical modules.

The digital diagnostic monitoring interface (DDMI) of the optical module can monitor its laser in real time. Generally speaking, the output power of the optical module is stable, but the quantum efficiency of the emitting laser decreases as the operation time increases. To maintain a stable optical power, the power control unit achieves this by continuously increasing the bias current of the laser emitter, so the user can predict the service life of the optical module by monitoring the bias current of the laser emitter.

Fault location.

In optical communication systems, pinpointing the point of failure is of great importance to the service. With the help of digital diagnostic monitoring (DDM) monitoring data it is possible to pinpoint whether the fault is within a module or on a line, on a local module or on a peer module, thus reducing the time required to repair the fault in the system.

Compatibility verification.

Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) also has a function to verify the compatibility of optical modules, that is, to detect whether the optical module can be used properly on a certain network equipment, which needs to analyze whether the operating environment of the module is compatible with the data manual and the relevant standards. And the use of optical modules with DDM can visually reflect these incompatible situations. The common cases of optical module incompatibility are: temperature exceeds the optical module specifications, the received optical power overload or lower than the optical receiver receiving range, and voltage exceeds the specified range.

The digital diagnostic monitoring function (DDM) of optical modules plays a great role in the use of optical modules, which improves the stability and reliability of optical modules and brings a very great convenience to the use of optical modules.



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