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Metal Core PCB: What is it, the Types, Mounting Guidelines, Applications, and More

You are surely curious concerning advancements regarding the PCB field. The metal core PCB may be your biggest curiosity source and you really wish to know and learn more.

Here, you will learn everything regarding metal core PCB. This includes the designs, manufacturing process, application, classification, etc.

At the end of this article, you should be a professional when it comes to the metal core printed circuit board industry. Please join us as we explain this topic further.

Metal Core PCB: What Does This Mean?

Metal Core PCB

This is also called thermal PCB and it is a printed circuit board having a metal base. What we mean is that it is a PCB having its main material as the metal as the plate or base. This metal material for the base has to do with the heat spread that comes up when operating.

Also, base metals conduct heat very well. They also dissipate any heat building up during the operation of the printed circuit board. Furthermore, they are recently developed advancements that can replace CEM3 and FR4 materials. These are what manufacturers were making use of in earlier boards.

Furthermore, more heat is dissipated from device components that are more vulnerable to areas that are less vulnerable to heat like heat sinks.

In the past, LED development has been increasing. However, there have been some issues. The major concern has to do with large amounts of heat built in the system. This leads to malfunctions, as well as a much shorter lifespan.

Also, the major areas that experience these problems are found in the lighting field most especially with light emitting diodes of high power. The metal material’s application to the base relieves the issue found in LED applications.

Furthermore, it offers solutions to applications generating must heat, which hinders the operation mode. Also, the major material used for the metal core pcb is metal plate, metal copper foil, and layers for thermal insulation.

Metal Core PCB: What are the Types?

Classifying the metal core PCB has to do with the location and trace layers of the printed circuit board. This classification leaves us with three major metal core PCB types.

  • Single-sided metal core PCB
  • Double-sided metal core PCB
  • Multilayer metal core PCB

Single-sided Metal Core PCB

This metal core PCB has traces’ printed on one of the layer’s sides. It is made up of

  • IC components
  • A layer of copper circuit
  • A dielectric layer that is non-conducting
  • Metal base that is aluminum or copper alloy

Furthermore, it features an insulating dielectric thin layer formed between a copper foil and metal base. This copper foil is seen in different patterns depending on the manufacturer.

Aluminum is the metal chosen because it is cheap in contrast to copper. Also present is a prepreg dielectric, which offers excellent heat transfer from the foil and the components to its base plate. In addition, this function is performed while still maintaining excellent electrical isolation.

Furthermore, the copper base or aluminum offers the mechanical integrity of the device, thereby distributing as well as transferring heat to the heat sink.

Double-sided Metal Core PCB

This type of metal core PCB comes in high advancement circuits. For this type, the metal core is located between the device’s two conductor layers. Also, you will discover a dielectric layer in-between the metal core and the copper layer.

This metal core links to conductors via the vias. Also, the SMD is found either on top or at the bottom. The type of metal core present here are aluminum, iron alloys, and copper. Furthermore, there is a dielectric layer present between the copper layer and the bottom’s metal core.

Multi-layer Metal Core PCB

This is a metal core PCB having at least two layers. It has a similar structure to the multi-layers of the FR4. However, as regards the making and designing, it is much more complex.

Mounting Guidelines for the Components of Metal Core PCB

Full pcb manufacturing

The following guidelines are important whenever you are mounting the components of the metal core PCB. This helps in generating the best possible metal core PCB.

  • First, you must understand the model’s mechanical constraints. This factor is important because it affects the board’s size and shape.
  • Second, know the possible constraints you may face when assembling
  • Thirdly, give enough allowance or room so your integrated circuits can breathe.
  • When placing your components, ensure that the ones that are similar faces one direction
  • Also, it assists the manufacturer during the inspection, testing, and installation of the parts, when in place.
  • Next step is to group the parts, which helps in reducing the paths of the connection.
  • When placing your components, begin with those at the edge
  • For the electrical connection to be smooth, maintain good space
  • Make sure that both the polarized components and integrated circuit pins are placed in the same direction

Metal Core PCB Applications

The significance of metal core PCBs are seen in some applications, which usually generates much heat during operation.

With the presence of the metal core, you will get help with heat dissipation, which usually builds up anytime it is functioning. Also, manufacturers make use of it in maintaining great performance of your device and to help it operate for much longer periods.

You can apply metal core PCB in the following.

  • Office automation equipment like motor drives
  • Power modules like converters, solid relays, rectifier bridges, etc
  • Power supply equipment like SW adjusters, switch regulators, AC/DC converters, and more
  • Audio equipment like balanced amplifiers, audio amplifiers, and other amplifiers (both output and input)
  • Electronic communication equipment like electrical telegraphy, frequency amplifiers, and filter circuits
  • Lamps and lanterns that promotes lamps that saves energy, LED lamps, and more
  • Computing devices like CPU motherboards and devices for power supply


Metal core PCB will be a big thing and may become a replacement for other available boards. Now it is time to leave other board types and start embracing metal core pcbs. It will help you save some money, as well as improve your devices’ lives.



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