As integrated circuits were invented, this gave rise to the development of 3rd generation computers. The integrated circuits play a huge role in compressing more power to take less space. Furthermore, before the invention of the 3rd generation of computers, the 1st and 2nd generation had a very large and heavy size.
Moreover, for the 3rd generation computers, they made use of integrated circuits instead of the large transistors that were present in both the 1st and 2nd generation computers. Now, for the purpose of this article, we will be focusing on the integrated circuit components. But before that, let us know what an integrated circuit is.
What is an Integrated Circuit?
An integrated circuit, which is also known as the bare chip helps in laying the foundation for the development of computer hardware.
Furthermore, the integrated circuits are fragile and this is why they are usually covered in a specific plastic package. In addition, the integrated circuit forms the building block of the majority of today’s electronic devices.
In addition, the integrated circuit has a lot of electronic components such as resistors, diodes, etc. Also, embedded in each integrated circuit are some additional components. Every component is miniaturized. A very good example of the integrated circuit is the computer processor. Note that not every integrated circuit can serve as processors.
The Integrated Circuit Components
Integrated circuits comprise three main components which are transistors, microprocessors, and diodes. Each of these integrated circuit components serves specific functions. They all contribute to the functioning of an integrated circuit.
What are the Functions of Transistors?
The transistor is the basic element of modern electronics. It serves as the foundation of most electronic devices. These semiconductor devices help to regulate the flow of current or voltage by switching electronic power and signals. Also, it is creates a path that allows a particular amount of voltage in the circuit.
Transistors help to regulate current flow. In digital electronics, the transistor acts as an electronic switch. The number of transistors in an integrated circuit ranges from ten to tens of millions. Also, a transistor is a very small semiconductor that plays a crucial role in integrated circuits. Asides from regulating current and voltage flow, a transistor serves several functions.
The integrated circuits that were earlier developed comprised only a few transistors. That was the era of small scale integration (SSI). Also, these ICs comprised tens of transistors. However, the advancement in integrated circuits made it possible to embed millions of transistors. ICs developed from small scale to medium scale integration and large scale integration which enabled hundreds and thousands of transistors to be embedded respectively.
Furthermore, ICs advanced from large scale integration to very large scale and ultra large scale. This development increased the number of transistors from thousands to hundreds of thousands and then millions.
Parts of transistor
A transistor comprises three layers of semiconductor materials. The terminals connect the transistor to an external circuit. The three terminals of a transistor are:
- Base: It helps to activate the transistor
- Emitter: The emitter of a transistor is the negative lead
- Collector: This is the positive lead of the transistor
What is a Microprocessor?
A microprocessor functions as the brain of a computer system. It is one of the integrated circuit components. Also, it comprises control circuitry, logic unit, and arithmetic unit required for the functioning of a computer’s CPU. Microprocessors are a core part of integrated circuits. These integrated circuit components act as the brain of circuits used in computing devices.
Unlike other integrated circuit components, microprocessors act as a computing brain. Also, they process arithmetic and logical instructions already programmed in them. Furthermore, microprocessors feature a register array, arithmetic logic unit (ALU), and a control unit. Microprocessors fuel the development of single-board computers such as Raspberry Pi.
Also, the usage of these integrated circuit components spans across laptops, PCs, and smartphones. They can function as GPU (graphic processor units).
Parts of a Microprocessor
The microprocessor comprises three basic parts which are the CPU, memory, and a BUS
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
This part performs all the processing parts of a computer. Also, it is responsible for data processing and giving out instructions to users. Furthermore, the CPU performs calculations and other tasks.
The memory is a crucial part of the microprocessor. It comprises secondary and primary memory. The primary memory stores instructions and data of the CPU. It is an internal memory that is very volatile. Also, the primary memory comprises the Random access memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM). The secondary memory stores data permanently.
The bus is part of a microprocessor that enables different parts of a computer to communicate well. Also, it integrates electrical signals to transmit information and data.
Functions of Diodes in Integrated Circuits
Diodes are integrated circuit components that regulate current flow in a circuit. Also, diodes allow the flow of current in a particular path while limiting current flow in the opposite direction. Diodes are semiconductor devices that feature p-n junctions. Furthermore, diodes are widely used for converting alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC).
These integrated circuit components block the negative part of AC and pass the positive part. Also, diodes function as a one-way valve and they feature useful characteristics. Diodes carry out various useful functions which include regulating the direction of current flow.
Also, diodes enable current to transmit in one direction. These two-pin semiconductor devices are crucial in integrated circuits. They mix signals and isolate signals from a supply. Also, they rectify a voltage and control the size of a signal.
Today, there are several integrated circuits present in different electronic devices. They play a very significant role in our technology world. However, before the integrated circuit can function effectively, it has to work with some components. We have discussed each of these components and how important they are. Also included are the functions they play in the integrated circuits. With these components present in the integrated circuits, it seems that the possibilities for the designing of high performance electronic products will be limitless.