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GAL20V8-25QP Lattice GAL20V8 SPLD GAL starter kit

GAL20V8-25QP ApplicationField

-5G Technology
-Internet of Things
-Cloud Computing
-Wireless Technology
-Industrial Control
-Medical Equipment
-Artificial Intelligence
-Consumer Electronics

Request GAL20V8-25QP FPGA Quote , Contact Sales@ebics.net Now


Q: How to obtain GAL20V8-25QP technical support documents?
A: Enter the “GAL20V8-25QP” keyword in the search box of the website, or find these through the Download Channel or FPGA Forum .

Q: Does the price of GAL20V8-25QP devices fluctuate frequently?
A: The EBICS search engine monitors the GAL20V8-25QP inventory quantity and price of global electronic component suppliers in real time, and regularly records historical price data. You can view the historical price trends of electronic components to provide a basis for your purchasing decisions.

Q: Where can I purchase Lattice GAL20V8 Development Boards, Evaluation Boards, or SPLD GAL Starter Kit? also provide technical information?
A: EBICS does not provide development board purchase services for the time being, but customers often consult about ZedBoard, Basys 3 board, TinyFPGA BX, Nexys4-DDR, Terasic DE10-Nano, Digilent Arty S7, etc. If you need relevant technical information, you can submit feedback information, our technicians will contact you soon.

Q: What should I do if I did not receive the technical support for GAL20V825QP in time?
A: Depending on the time difference between your location and our location, it may take several hours for us to reply, please be patient, our FPGA technical engineer will help you with the GAL20V8-25QP pinout information, replacement, datasheet in pdf, programming tools, starter kit, etc.

Q: Do I have to sign up on the website to make an inquiry for GAL20V8-25QP?
A: No, only submit the quantity, email address and other contact information required for the inquiry of GAL20V8-25QP, but you need to sign up for the post comments and resource downloads.

Q: How can I obtain software development tools related to the Lattice FPGA platform?
A: Lattice’s development environment uses Diamone. These recommendations are all reference opinions. The specific choice depends on personal habits and functional requirements to specifically select a more suitable match. You can search and download through the FPGA resource channel.

GAL20V8-25QP Features



Request GAL20V8-25QP FPGA Quote , Contact Sales@ebics.net Now


GAL20V8-25QP Overview


The GAL20V8-25QP , at 5ns maximum propagation delay time, combines a high performance CMOS process with Electrically Eras-able(E2) floating gate technology to provide the highest speed performance available in the PLD market High speed erase times
(<100ms) allow the devices to be reprogrammed quickly and efficiently. The generic architecture provides maximum design flexibility by allowing the Output Logic Macrocell (OLMC) to be configured by the user. An important subset of the many architecture configura-tions possible with the GAL20V8-25QP are the PAL architectures listed in the table of the macrocell description section. GAL20V8-25QP devices are capable of emulating any of these PAL architectures with full function/fuse map/parametric compatibility. Unique test circuitry and reprogrammable cells allow complete AC, DC, and functional testing during manufacture. As a result, Lattice Semiconductor delivers 100% field programmability and functionality of all GAL products. In addition,100 erase/write cycles and data retention in excess of 20 years are specified.
GAL20V8-25QP Tags

GAL20V8 reference design
GAL20V8 development board
Lattice SPLD GAL development board
SPLD GAL starter kit
GAL20V8 evaluation board
Lattice GAL20V8
GAL20V8-25QP Datasheet PDF

GAL20V8-25QP TechnicalAttributes


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