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What is alchitry au kit ?


Alchitry Au is a powerful FPGA for makers and amateurs. It features 33,000 logic cells for big tasks. IO and Br Element boards offer seven-segment LEDs, five momentary push buttons, 24 basic LEDs, 24 DIP switches, broken-out header pins, and a big prototyping space. You also receive a 100MHz on-board clock that the FPGA can adjust, a USB-C connection for setup and power, and a USB-to-serial interface for data transmission.

All Alchitry boards support Lucid, making setup easy. Lucid is a built-in component library. AND gates to microprocessors are included. There’s also a debugger to test ideas before implementing them.


The Alchitry Au is a feature-rich, easy-to-use FPGA board. This board has a Xilinx Artix 7 XC7A35T-1C FPGA with over 33,000 logic cells and 256MB of DDR3 RAM.

The Au has 102 3.3V logic level IO pins, 20 of which may be converted to 1.8V, nine differential analogue inputs, eight general purpose LEDs, a 100MHz on-board clock that can be modified by the FPGA, a USB-C connection to configure and power the board, and a USB to serial interface for data transmission. All Alchitry boards include full Lucid support, which includes a library of helpful components and a debugger.

Alchitry Au FPGA package comprises AU, IO, and Br boards. AU FPGA board has 33,000 logic cells and 256MB of DDR3 RAM. The Au has 102 3.3V logic level IO pins, 20 of which may be converted to 1.8V, nine differential analogue inputs, eight general purpose LEDs, a 100MHz on-board clock that can be modified by the FPGA, a USB-C connection to configure and power the board, and a USB to serial interface for data transmission.

IO Element has seven-segment LEDs, five momentary push buttons, 24 basic LEDs, and 24 DIP switches. The Br Element board has a big prototyping area and header pins for external connections.

Now that we know what’s in the Alchitry Au kit, let’s get started. First, download the Alchitry Driver, IDE, and Vivado plugin. Launch Alchitry Labs and start a new project after they are installed. When establishing a new project, choose the target device (Au) and programming language (Lucid or Verilog). After creating a project, add files and code!

Alchitry How-To

Full pcb manufacturing

Connect your FPGA via USB and click “Program” in Alchitry Labs to programme it. The end! Once designed, you may use your FPGA for any purpose. Alchitry Au FPGA kit is an excellent approach to design a bespoke gaming system or industrial control system. Then what? Start investigating FPGAs today!

Alchitry Au’s built-in library of helpful components is another selling factor. This package has simple and complicated logic gates. Whatever your project, you’ll probably find it here. This simplifies using Alchitry Au.

Alchitry Au includes IO and Br Element boards. These boards add 7-segment LEDs, 5 momentary push buttons, 24 LEDs, and 24 DIP switches. They also include a prototyping space. The Alchitry Au is a feature-rich FPGA kit.


Some unique examples include:

  • Make digital piano
  • Make a MIDI controller/8-bit computer
  • Develop an FPGA-accelerated machine learning algorithm


Whether you’re a novice or an expert, the Alchitry Au FPGA Kit is a great option. Plus, the IO and BR Element boards’ added capabilities will give your projects an advantage.



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