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What You Need to Know About the Xilinx XQR2V3000-4CG717V

The XQR2V3000-4CG717V is developed for high-density, high-performance, and aerospace design. It offers complete solutions for video, networking, and telecommunication. It can also be used for DSP applications such as LVDS, PCI, and DDR interfaces.

Aside from that, the XQR2V3000-4CG717V is also made of an industry-leading 8-layer metal process, optimized for high performance but low power consumption. Along with its long list of feature and density options, the XQR2V3000-4CG717V is a powerful alternative to one-time programmable devices in the market.

However, is it the right product for you? Find out here.

XQR2V3000-4CG717V Features

The best way to determine whether XQR2V3000-4CG717V is the right fit for you is to take a look at its features.

The notable features that the XQR2V3000-4CG717V has to offer include:

  • 2nd Generation ASIC Replacement Technology

ASIC stands for Application-Specific Integrated Circuit. It’s a microchip designed for certain applications such as hand-held computers and types of transmission protocol. It can be compared with general integrated circuits like random access memory chips or microprocessors found on your computer.

  • 0.15-micron Technology

The 0.15-micron platform was created in accordance with the Artisan design standard. It has an extensive set of models and views that supports common EDA tools.

  • SelectIO Ultra Technology

The XQR2V3000-4CG717V is made with SelectIO Ultra Technology. It has up to 824 users I/Os, and six differentials, and 19 single-ended standards. It also has a programmable sink current for every I/O.

  • Supported by Alliance Series and Xilinx Foundation Series Development System.

This device features integrated Verilog and VHDL design flow. It also has a compilation of 10M system gates and Internet Team design tools.

  • Active Interconnected Technology

The XQR2V3000-4CG717V has 4th generation segment routing structure. This allows it to have a fast routing delay that’s independent of fanout.

XQR2V3000-4CG717V Benefits

Here are the top benefits that the XQR2V3000-4CG717V has to offer:

  • Wide Density Range

Another reason why the XQR2V3000-4CG717V is an excellent alternative to one-time programmable devices is because of its wide range of densities. You can pick a one-time programmable device with 15,552 logic cells and up to 600,000 system gates, with is an impressive range.

  • Energy-efficient

Compared to GPUs, the ASICs in this device are much more energy efficient. They have a lesser hash rate, resulting in lower energy consumption than GPUs.

  • Flexible Logic Resources

This device features up to 67,584 internal registers or latches that are lock enabled. It also has 16-bit cascadable shift registers or 67,584 look-up tables.

Not only that, but this device is also equipped with wide-input and wide multiplexer function support, sum-of-products support, and horizontal cascade chain support.

  • Affordable Cost

The price for the XQR2V3000-4CG717V is fairly affordable. You’ll get value for your money given the performance that it has to offer.

Bottom Line

Because of its long list of practical and convenient features, the XQR2V3000-4CG717V is among the alternative options for one-time programmable devices. With the explanations mentioned above, you probably know whether this is the device you need for your future projects.



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