Digital designers of FPGAs have a new IC to work on – the Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I. It is powered by a 45 nm technology providing both low-cost production and flexible designs. The Integrated Circuit (IC) also has over 74,000 logic cells, offering more options to configure the components.
In this article, we are going to discuss the internal components of the Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I, including the buying guide for the same.
Technical Attributes
The first technical attribute of the Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I is the Surface Mount Technology (SMT). By design, the SMT sees the flexible placement of the circuit board components atop the Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I FPGA.
The IC is also RoHS-compliant and has an active lifestyle cycle, pointing to its availability.
Features of the Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I FPGA
It is worth knowing the internal components or features that make a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) innovative. Here are a couple of those features:
1. Signal Integrity
The transmission of signals to and from the IC is very important, as the designer needs to be certain that signals are sent across the relevant channels.
The Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I has improved signal integrity, thanks to the adjustable slew rates. Both the Inputs and Outputs (I/O) can have their slews adjusted depending on the current design needs.
Another aspect of signal integrity is the high-performance arithmetic that facilitates advanced signal processing on the IC.
2. MultiBoot Support
Designing the IC also requires additional improvement for the booting options. This is the case with the MultiBoot Support which facilitates the remote upgrade of the IC. This feature also comes with the usage of watchdog protection to bolster the multiple bitstreams of the IC.
3. High-Performance
The performance of the Xilinx fpga XC6SLX75-2CSG484I is also assured, thanks to the 1.2-volt core voltage. This includes multiple speed grades, ranging between -2, -3, and -3N speed grades.
4. Excellent Date Transfer Rate
The speed of transferring data or bitstream on the Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I is also remarkable. Ideally, it takes only a second to transfer up to 1,080 megabytes of data. This is subject to the differential Inputs and Outputs (I/O) used for that purpose.
5. Multi-Memory Interfaces
The memory interfaces of the Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I are also impressive, especially the Integrated Memory Controller blocks that oversee the support for:
- DDR2
- DDR3
6. Zero Latency
Latency in the designing of a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) has to do with the delays experienced in the course of facilitating the design. In the case of Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I, the latency is reduced.
This is possible through the multi-port bus structure. The structure also packs an independent FIFO that helps in reducing the timing issues experienced during IC configurations.
7. High-Speed Interfaces
To ensure that speed is optimum, the Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I features a wide range of interfaces, including the XAUI, Serial ATA, GPON, 1G Ethernet, and the DisplayPort.
Another aspect of the high-speed interfaces is the high-speed transceiver that processes up to 3.2 Gigabytes of data per second. The transceiver works best in the LXT FPGAs.
Wrapping Up
Purchasing the Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I is not only worth the money but also ensures that your circuit board is optimized for the best applicable scenarios. Reach out to us at RayPCB for a quote on the design and configuration of your Xilinx XC6SLX75-2CSG484I FPGA.